Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Favorite ad

This web video is currently my favorite ad for a few different reasons. To begin with I like how it jumps straight into people using the product, because in my eyes it is the only way the product can be explained. The product(Freebord) is such a new technology that seeing it in action raises a few questions in the viewers mind. My first reaction to this video was utter amazement. As someone who is very familiar with the sports of snowboarding and skateboarding I couldn't believe that movements like this were possible on concrete. I would have to say that amazement and curiosity in this new innovative product was the hook, line, and sinker to me liking this add. Also I related to the music and style of the people in the add. I felt when watching that these people were the kind of people I could relate to making me more interested in purchasing the product for myself, which I have owned the product for around 3 weeks now and it is everything that this ad shows it can be.

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